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      Existing foster carers sometimes approach us because they want to transfer from their existing fostering provider. If you are not happy with the service you are currently receiving and would like to know more about transferring fostering provider, complete the form below and we will get back to you.

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        If you have a spare room at home and you can look after a vulnerable child, complete the short form and we will send you our information pack on fostering.

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        Tag archives: fostering in Suffolk

        Extensive training and development
        Competitive fostering allowance
        Excellent support 24/7
        A friendly and highly experienced team

        Foster carers needed in Essex, Suffolk and Cambridgeshire

        Lucy Stevens - 30th December 2022

        Local children need local foster carers In the UK, there are now more children than ever in need of foster carers. Children in Essex, Suffolk and Cambridgeshire are no exception. Our children need local foster carers who can keep them in education, in local communities and near to the people who are important to them. Which children need foster carers? There are children in every age group who are in need of a nurturing foster carer. From young sibling groups, teenagers, mother and babies, children with additional needs and unaccompanied children. The list goes on. By far the most typical children are sibling groups and young people between the ages of 10 to 16. What does it take to foster?

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        Fostering children: a new PATH?

        Lucy Stevens - 15th July 2019

        Fostering should empower children to make a better future for themselves. When fostering children, how do we ensure we keep children at the heart of everything we do? Many foster carers are highly driven to provide child-centric care to the children they are fostering. This takes many forms from therapeutic fostering, advocacy, support in education and providing boundaries. And let's not forget good old fashioned love and nurturing. All foster carers however need to work within the system and its associated requirements and constraints. It is within this arena that many foster carers see the child-centred approach turn on its heels and disappear. Is a child centred approach to fostering children always adopted in meetings with professionals? many foster carers

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        Could you #changeafuture

        Lucy Stevens - 7th May 2019

        Good fostering can transform lives This May sees the start of Foster Care Fortnight, the UK’s biggest awareness raising campaign for foster care. In the UK, it is estimated that over 8000 additional fostering families are needed . “In the East of England alone, we need over 600 additional carers to allow us to provide well matched foster carers to the children who need them,” says Eleanor Vanner of Eastern Fostering Services, an agency who look after children across Essex, Suffolk and Cambridgeshire. “Every 20 minutes in the UK another child comes into care needing a fostering family; it’s vital that we have a good pool of carers for these children.” Fostering offers children and young people the opportunity for

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        What qualifications do you need to be a foster carer?

        Lucy Stevens - 10th January 2019

        The short answer to the question of what qualifications foster carers need is none! So what do we look for in foster carers? Whilst foster carers do not need formal qualifications, there are qualities that we look for. Foster carers need to be resilient. During the fostering assessment resilience is looked at and foster carers can cite their life experience to evidence this. Foster carers need to have emotional intelligence, empathy and kindness. Because many looked after children have specific emotional needs. But don't worry if you don't know a lot about the ins and outs of fostering. Foster carers undergo training as part of their assessment. Whilst it is helpful to have experience of children and child care, even this is

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        Do I get paid to foster?

        Lucy Stevens - 14th November 2018

        Do I get paid to foster? When it comes to fostering, money is an emotive topic of conversation. Nonetheless, people ask "Do I get paid to foster?" and in order to answer the questions we get about finances, it's a topic we’d like to address. We’d like to make it clear that good foster carers are motivated by a desire to make a positive difference in the lives of children. The best foster carers seek to nurture, love and advocate for the children in their care. In our experience, very few carers are ever motivated by money and it is very important to us that they are not. However, one cannot escape the fact that it costs money to raise

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        Fostering Information Event dates for your diary

        Lucy Stevens - 18th October 2018

        Fostering Information Events We hold regular events for people who are seeking information about fostering. Often we have some of our carers with us who are more than happy to share their experiences of fostering. When you are looking into fostering it is important that you do as much fact finding as possible. Equally, it's vital that you get a feel for how well the agency will support you. When is the nearest fostering event to me? Keep an eye on our Facebook events page for future events around Essex, Suffolk and Cambridgeshire. Equally, let us know you'd be interested in dropping in and we can arrange something with you!

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